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Stan's trip home


Updated: Jan 19, 2023

Stan is a vulnerable lad who spent his time in HMYOI Wetherby on the Keppel Complex Needs Unit. During his time there, In2Out helped him prepare for release through our Life Skills Challenge including short times out in the community to help with his resettlement.

As arrangements were being made for his release, there were many challenges surrounding finding accommodation for him, with various requirements from different statutory agencies needing to be met. It was very stressful for everyone, especially Stan, as his release date got closer and still nowhere suitable had been found. The complexity of his case meant that

no-one really wanted to take responsibility for him. In2Out supported Stan throughout and advocated for him, as well as encouraging the agencies to find a way through. Different places around the country were suggested but it was the involvement of the Howard League which finally led to one being agreed on, many miles away.

Because of the distance involved, no-one wanted to travel to pick Stan up from the gate when he was released, suggesting he take a taxi hundreds of miles to his new home. In2Out really wanted to see him get the best start to life 'on the out' and so drove him to his new place, staying to have a meal with him to help him settle in. An overnight stay at a hotel was needed before the Mentor made the long journey back.

Some of the professionals involved in Stan's case recognised the level of support we were able to provide and the difference it made to him. One said: "It has been a difficult last few weeks for Stan and whilst we have had to absorb much of his frustration and anxiety surrounding his release plans, without you we would not have sent him off this morning with appropriate accommodation or a support package in place... A special thank you to In2Out who once again have gone above and beyond with transport, clothes and mobile phone..."

We are not able to mentor Stan because he is out of our geographic area, but we have supported him as much as we can. Afterwards, Stan made eye contact and said, with all sincerity, "Thank you very much" which from a vulnerable young person with autism, was a genuine and significant response.

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